Codeforces 1080D - Olya and magical square - 思维题解链接https://lucien.ink题目链接题目Recently, Olya received a magical square with the size of $2^n\times 2^n$.It ...
Codeforces 1080C - Masha and two friends - 容斥题解链接https://lucien.ink题目链接题目Recently, Masha was presented with a chessboard with a height of $n$ and a widt...
Codeforces 1080B - Margarite and the best present题解链接https://lucien.ink题目链接题目Little girl Margarita is a big fan of competitive programming. She especial...
Codeforces 1080A - Petya and Origami题解链接https://lucien.ink题目链接题目Petya is having a party soon, and he has decided to invite his $n$ friends.He wants to m...